Ban Policy
Pursuant to the authority set forth in federal and state law, the ban policy and procedure is adopted to establish, implement, and enforce a written policy and procedure to ban person(s) from properties owned and managed by the CHRC due to the person(s) threatening the safety, health or right to peaceful enjoyment of residents, visitors or guests of residents, or CHRC employees or agents on properties owned and managed by CHRC. Therefore, in an effort to curb any continued incidences on CHRC property, we have adopted the ban policy and procedure.
Residents are required to abide by the terms and conditions of their lease. Residents have the responsibility to ensure that their household members and their guests or visitors comply with the terms and conditions of the lease. If it is determined that a resident, household member, visitor, or guest of a resident or another person poses a threat to the safety, health, or right to peaceful enjoyment of residents, household members, visitors, guests of residents, CHRC employees, or agents, any member of the Community Safety Team may investigate to coordinate compliance and enforcement efforts.